E City Snowflakes
After attempting to downplay the number of participants, claiming only a
dozen or so were present, E City was quick to block and delete comments from anyone that disagreed
with them. In typical bully fashion, E City Beat’s authors continually target Great Falls citizens, but whine
and cry when anyone calls them out on it.
Millionaire George Angry At Local Blog; Local Blog Reportedly Amused
It appears George can’t spot the difference between participating in hate speech and speaking out against it. Thus, we’ve put his latest statement about myself and Helena to the test. Let’s see if George’s claim stands up to scrutiny.
More Anti-Semitism From Montana Republicans
According to media...
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Protesters rally in Great Falls against defunding Department of Education
Great Falls activists rally on Central Ave West bridge to protest proposed defunding of Department of Education
Tryon and McKenney Can’t Say "Republicans Did It"
In the last couple of weeks, city commissioners Rick Tryon and Joe McKenney have come out in strong defense of allowing local governments to control management of their various functions. But they kept on their blindfolds and didn’t name which political party is stifling local governments. T...
44 likes, 12 comments. “How do we get them to Yellowstone?”
Rick needs to introduce himself to the Paradox of Tolerance. Why are you so eager to protect Nazis, Rick?
Check out Jasmine Taylor’s video.