This month, several Republican Montana Legislators voted in favor of House Joint Resolution 7 (HJ 7), a resolution congratulating Donald Trump on his 2024 victory. In a disturbing, but not surprising twist, HJ 7 contains numerous clauses emphasizing how in sync and how sycophantic the Montana Republican Party is with Trump fascism. HJ 7 is still winding its way through the Montana legislature after it passed the House. You can read the full resolution here. Yay votes from Great Falls legislators included Ed Buttrey (R, HD-21), Eric Tilleman (R, HD-23), Steve Fitzpatrick (R, HD-24), and Steve Gist (R, HD-25). It’s noteworthy that no Montana Democrats voted for it, and there sure is a reason for that. 

Here’s a sampling of the clauses in the resolution that highlight the Montana GOP’s embrace of fascism

“[D]uring his campaign, President Trump faced and triumphed over baseless, politically motivated charges and relentless attacks orchestrated by partisan adversaries.”

Oh you mean the part where he was found guilty of 34 felony charges of falsifying business records in his hush money efforts during his 2016 campaign?

“…the Montana Legislature overwhelmingly acknowledges and wholeheartedly supports President Trump’s unwavering commitment to strengthening the United States of America through sound governance, a robust economy, and the promotion of unity among its citizens.”

Sound governance? Where he fired thousands of Forest Service employees based solely on if they were in a probationary period? Promotion of unity????????? The man that insults private citizens like Taylor Swift, because she endorsed his opponent. That promotion of unity?

“…Montana vigorously supports and encourages President Trump in his relentless efforts to combat the insidious ‘woke’  agenda.”

Oh more unity? Give me a fucking break.

 “…the people of Montana and the Montana Legislature urge President Trump to continue his valiant fight against the radical left, specifically targeting individuals and groups such as “The Squad” and Senator Bernie Sanders”.

Don’t speak for me or the people of Montana, you fascists. 

 “BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Secretary of State transmit a copy of this resolute resolution to the President of the United States Donald J. Trump, to the Vice President of the United States J.D. Vance, and to each esteemed member of the Montana Congressional Delegation. THE DISTRIBUTED COPY MUST INCLUDE A LIST OF FULL FIRST AND LAST NAMES AND TITLES OF ALL OF THE LEGISLATORS WHO COSPONSORED AND VOTED YES ON THIS RESOLUTION.”

Of course, they need to highlight how much they are sucking up to their corrupt leader. These legislators are a joke, and they make a mockery of their role as public servants.