In November 2023, Republican U.S.Senate candidate Tim Sheehy made disparaging and racist comments about Native Americans. His statements are not only offensive but perpetuate a harmful stereotype that I have encountered throughout my life. Native Americans comprise 6.6% of Montanans, likely higher due to significant undercounting. Now, we have a Senate candidate adding to the discrimination by making such hurtful comments about this minority group.

As an enrolled member of the Chippewa-Cree Tribe of Rocky Boy, I find Sheehy’s remarks inaccurate and deeply hurtful. They reflect a long history of racial stereotypes that justify ongoing discrimination and neglect. His comments ignore the historical context of colonization and forced assimilation that have led to the current struggles faced by many Native Americans. There is no acknowledgment of the generational trauma that these systemic issues have created.

Does Mr. Sheehy believe that substance use problems are unique to Native Americans? Does he recognize that these issues are linked to systemic inequalities that contribute to health disparities? His statements suggest a troubling lack of understanding of these fundamental issues. Substance use problems are not confined by race or ethnicity; they are public health concerns that affect people universally. Mr. Sheehy’s comments reflect a profound ignorance of the systemic factors exacerbating these problems.

Instead of disparagingly labeling Native Americans as “drunk Indians at 8:00 am,” Mr. Sheehy should find out what many of us are doing at that time. He can find me training for the New York City Marathon or working. 

Mr. Sheehy must take responsibility for his words. Public figures must recognize the impact of their statements and understand that their words have real power. I urge Mr. Sheehy to educate himself about historical trauma and Native cultures. Such knowledge would enrich his perspective and contribute to a more respectful and informed discourse. 

-Barbara Bessette