Rea Grulkowski. . .You Can’t Make This Stuff Up

Rea Grulkowski. . .You Can’t Make This Stuff Up

Well, the long sad saga of Rae Grulkowski just keeps getting more and more bizarre.

Conspiracy On The High Plains

Grulkowski first appeared on the public’s radar when the New York Times published a long story (some might call it an expose) about the falsehoods she circulated opposing the Big Sky National Heritage Area designation in October of 2021.  She was thoroughly exposed as a purveyor of phony conspiracy theories.

Grulkowski And Merchant Take Over County Offices

In 2022, she appeared as a candidate for the Cascade County Commission. Relying heavily on the same bag of tricks she used opposing the Heritage Area, she defeated incumbent Democrat Don Ryan for the District 3 county commission seat. Very quickly she established herself as difficult to work with. She also pursued her personal agenda for elections with her comrade in arms, Clerk and Recorder Sandra Merchant. Grulkowski and Merchant immediately began making hard right conspiracy theories the basis of changes in the elections office, filling numerous vacant positions with their pals from the “election denier conspiracy” ranks. The county human resource office never addressed the hiring of elected officials’ political cronies

Election Protection Committee Forms

Seeing the emerging mess in the elections office, a group of Great Falls citizens formed the Election Protection Committee to monitor the elections office and to demand professional administration of elections. Throughout the fall of 2023, the Election Protection Committee exposed problems in Merchant’s office. They advocated removing election duties from Merchant’s supervision and placing them under the county commission.

Grulkowski Removed As Commission Chair

After several lawsuits and a district court ordering an outside monitor to supervise the library mill levy election, County Commissioners Briggs and Larson had enough.  They drafted a resolution removing the election functions from Merchant’s office. After a six hour public hearing held on December 12th, 2023,the commission voted two to one to move the election functions to the commission’s office. Included in that resolution was a specific provision which prohibited a commissioner who was on the ballot in the next election (Grulkowski) from participating in supervision of the election office. They also removed Grulkowski from the chair position she held since her election.

Grulkowski Continues Screwing Up The Elections Office

The commission advertised for an election administrator.  The applicant pool included former clerk and recorder, Rina Moore. Despite the fact that she had 16 years experience successfully administering elections in Cascade County, they offered the position to Terry Thompson, who had no experience or training in administering elections. Thompson had worked for the local realtors association and had assisted Grulkowski in opposing the Big Sky National Heritage Area.  Grulkowski fully participated in the hiring decision despite wording of the resolution prohibiting her from managing functions of the election office. Briggs and Larson rated Moore as their top choice. Grulkowski rated her fourth and gave her a low enough score to remove her from the top position. Formal legal action is now pending over the county’s decision to offer the position to Thompson.

Grulkowski Loses The Republican Primary.  Now Running As A Write-in

As the next primary election approached, Grulkowski filed in the Republican primary to retain the county commission seat she now holds.  Local businessman, Eric Hinebauch, filed against her.  Hinebauch ran as a centrist Republican and Grulkowski made her conspiracy based ideas the center of her campaign.  In the election held on June 4th, Hinebauch roundly defeated Grulkowski by more than 1500 votes. Instead of calling and congratulating her opponent, Grulkowski announced her intention to run a write-in campaign.  She made her announcement at the local Pachyderm Club, the home of the far-right faction of the local Republican party.

Grulkowski Continues Playing Dirty Pool In Her Write-in Campaign

True to form, Grulkowski is fabricating facts in her write-in campaign.  Perhaps the most glaring is claiming that she is the only candidate “Endorsed by the Great Falls Election Protection Committee,” which worked hard to expose her and her actions relating to the county election office. (See copy of the flier above) Grulkowski also has a video circulating on Rumble (a right-wing media platform) which lifts liberally from a Tik Tok produced by Jasmine Taylor, which urged Democrats to cross over and vote in the Republican primary against Grulkowski.  Without explanation, Grulkowski claims that 11% percent of the voters in her Republican Primary race were Democrats.

But wait. . . .there’s more.  On September 25th, the county commission held a meeting to address a concern raised by the current election administrator, Terry Thompson, that write-in candidates who used name stickers for their supporters to place on their ballots to assure proper spelling, would clog vote counting machines.  Grulkowski participated in the discussion, specifically arguing that ballots with stickers would be counted by hand. While her position is reasonable, she did not disclose her self interest at any point in the discussion.

A Snow Ball’s Chance In Hell

Grulkowski’s chance of actually winning her write-in campaign?  About the same as a snowball’s chance in hell.   It will be interesting to see where she goes next. Our bet is she will get a job in Sandra Merchant’s office.  Stay tuned.


The Clownery of the Montana Legislature

The Clownery of the Montana Legislature

While Cascade County residents are watching in horror the complete trainwreck of elections under newly elected Clerk and Recorder Sandra Merchant, how are things going in the Montana Legislature?

First the good news.

Ha! I kid, there is no good news. We elected clowns so now we get clownery.

Ok, fine I take that back. There is some good news. A big thank you to the people speaking up and testifying against hateful legislation. Democrats and members of the public are still pointing out illegal and thoughtless aspects of these bills. I’m thankful that people are trying to defend Montana’s citizens from our extremist Republicans legislators.

The latest stupidity from our Great Falls Legislators

The good news is that thanks to the efforts of passionate testimony, we have managed to reject some ultra stupid bills by Great Falls legislators. Like SB 235 by Senator Daniel Emrich — an effort to ban teachers from teaching scientific theory and SB 497 by Senator Steve Fitzpatrick — an effort to destroy stream access for Montana anglers. Buh-bye bad bills.

There’s another from Great Falls Senator Jeremy Trebas to highlight. Trebas wanted to prohibit Montana state employees from having to take classes about diversity, equity, or inclusion with his bill SB 222. “The proposed law would make it illegal to teach concepts that might make employees feel “guilt, anguish, or other forms of psychological distress.” The bill is based on a Florida “Stop WOKE Act” showing the complete lack of originality for these bigots. Trebas said a twitter user told him, “soon we’ll be subjected to almost 50 trainings before June.” Sounds legit Jeremy. You definitely should shit on the teaching of anything that makes people uncomfortable like actual truth and history based on some rando twitter exchange. The bill passed out of the State Senate but got tabled in a House committee. Hopefully it stays tabled.

So, what’s the bad news?

Well. I’m sorry. It continues to be very bad. Shocking no one, Republicans continue to attack abortion rights, LGBTQ rights and pass bills to benefit the uber rich.

I can’t list all of the bad bills here, so I’ll just mention some of the worst and point out where our Great Falls delegation is failing us.

Abortion Rights

Great Falls Representative Lola Sheldon Galloway, our local delegation’s best handmaiden to the patriarchy, has two disgusting bills to highlight. The bills both passed out of committee based solely on Republican votes. HB 937 forces more onerous licenses for providers and facilities that perform abortions. HB 786 adds more burdens on abortion medication providers. The goal of this legislation is not to protect people with uteruses or keep us safer. (Despite the gibberish Lola likes to spout.) The real goal is to dissuade patients and medical providers from providing necessary healthcare. Wow Lola, why do you hate people with uteruses so much?

View of Lola Sheldon-Galloway's bench ad with her slogan "Leave our liberties alone" and an added speech bubble with the words "Unless you have a uterus!"
Lola Sheldon-Galloways’s bitterly ironic campaign bench ads from 2022

More Stupidity on Healthcare

Senator Daniel Emrich, R-Great Falls continues to fight established medical knowledge and try to stop immunization requirements with his SB 450. SB 450 has now passed from the Montana Senate to the Montana House. Before widespread vaccination, measles caused an estimated 2.6 million deaths each year. But who cares if your child catches a preventable and potentially fatal disease? Isn’t it better to be them to be immunization-free and dead?

LGBTQ+ Bigotry

Even though our Great Falls delegation aren’t the primary sponsors on several hateful anti-LGBTQ+ bills, they sure are fine voting for them.

Horrifyingly, the Montana Senate passed SB 458 to adopt discriminatory definitions of sex in an effort to exclude LGBTQ+ people from protections of state law. The bill prohibits “LGBTQ+ people from bringing claims of sexual orientation or gender identity discrimination in areas like employment, housing, public accommodations, health care, credit, and education.” What a sign of the times. Our Great Falls’ Senators Jeremy Trebas, Daniel Emrich, and Steve Fitzpatrick voted yes, because of course they did.

Is there more LGBTQ+ hate to go around?

Yes! Because our state is run by a bunch of homophobic extremists. 

What about the hideous SB 99 that our blog mentioned before here and here? SB 99 would make it essentially impossible for healthcare practitioners to provide age-appropriate, best practice, gender affirming care. This bill is a far-right attack on transgendered children and their families. The Montana Medical Association, the state chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics, and the Montana Primary Care Association all have spoken out against SB 99.

But why listen to an expert when you can listen to your bigoted impulses, right Montana Republicans? It has passed though the legislature and these Great Falls legislators voted for it:

  • Fred Anderson
  • Ed Buttrey
  • Steve Galloway
  • Steve Gist
  • Scot Kerns
  • George Nikolakakos
  • Lola Sheldon-Galloway
  • Daniel Emrich
  • Steve Fitzpatrick
  • Jeremy Trebas

Thank you to Senator Wendy McKamey for voting no on SB 99. Senator McKamey was the ONLY Great Falls legislator that didn’t vote to pass this hate.

Knowing the homophobia of our governor, SB 99 will be signed into law and then the taxpayers get to pay for the lawsuits. Meanwhile trans youth are treated as punching bags.

Where does that leave us?

I wish I could end on a lighter note, but our Great Falls delegation and other Montana Republicans continues to let down Montana’s citizens. Keep speaking up and let them know we are watching and disagree with their hateful attacks on our rights. You can send a message to a legislator using this form: or give them a call, they love it. The general switchboard is (406) 444-4800 and your message will be delivered to a legislator