Petition To Repeal Election Office Change Flops
In response, these folks organized a petition drive to place the issue on the ballot and give people the opportunity to express their opinion supporting their point of view. But, alas, they failed. Not only did the imagined vast majority of supporters not get to vote, signature gatherers couldn’t even get the required 15% of eligible voters to sign the petition to place the measure on the ballot.
Trump and a Red Montana
How Bad Is It?
Really fucking bad.

Hey Mayor Reeves, Just Quit Digging!
The first law of...
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Tryon and McKenney Can’t Say "Republicans Did It"
In the last couple of weeks, city commissioners Rick Tryon and Joe McKenney have come out in strong defense of allowing local governments to control management of their various functions. But they kept on their blindfolds and didn’t name which political party is stifling local governments. T...
44 likes, 12 comments. “How do we get them to Yellowstone?”
Rick needs to introduce himself to the Paradox of Tolerance. Why are you so eager to protect Nazis, Rick?
Check out Jasmine Taylor’s video.
Friends, today's rally is fully INDOORS. Remember to bring your food donation as we support local food pantries during these difficult times. facebook.com/events/s/resist-community-rally/1194024535663855/