Are you a Republican?
It seems some people are confused about which political party best represents their views. So we put together this list of things to help you decide (with apologies to Jeff Foxworthy)
If you think it’s a good thing that our Governor, Congressmen and one US Senator are all rich men from out of state—- You might be a Republican.
If you think women and health care providers who help them get abortions belong in jail—- You might be a Republican.
If you think local property taxes should increase while income taxes on big corporations and rich people are reduced—-You might be a Republican.
If you think climate change is a hoax while we are seeing annual increases in freezing temperatures and record setting drought—-You might be a Republican.
If you think we should spend more money on putting people in jail cells than we spend on educating our children—-You might be a Republican.
If you are happy having delusional conspiracy theorists representing you on the Public Service Commission and in the Cascade County Sheriff’s office—-You might be a Republican.
If you think higher power bills with a guaranteed profit for utility corporations is good for our economy—-You might be a Republican.
If you think nursing homes and hospitals in rural communities aren’t important to the communities they serve—-You might be a Republican.
If you think family farms should be replaced by big agricultural conglomerates—-You might be a Republican.
If you think teachers are paid too much and class size doesn’t matter—-You might be a Republican.
If you think public access to Montana’s great outdoors should be reserved for wealthy landowners and their friends—-You might be a Republican.
If you think wearing masks and getting vaccines don’t help control the spread of Covid and other respiratory diseases—-You might be a Republican.
If you think America should refuse to honor treaty rights of Native Americans because they “lost the war”—-You might be a Republican.
If you think that college should be more expensive and put young people on the hook for mountains of debt owed to private lenders at high interest rates—-You might be a Republican.
If you think businesses are attracted to communities with crappy schools and crumbling infrastructure—–You might be a Republican.
If you think elections are being stolen using electronic voting machines—-You might be a Republican.
If you think you are a “self made person” who got ahead without using government services we all pay for like education, the courts, and roads and bridges—-You might be a Republican.
If you think Donald Trump is an honest, patriotic businessman— We don’t know what the hell you are—other than greatly confused.