Daily Montanan On the Cascade County Commission Race
The online Montana newspaper The Daily Montanan published a really good analysis of the Cascade County Republican primary race between Eric Hinebauch and Rae Grulkowski. Below are excerpts from the article.
“In an interview with the Daily Montanan, Hinebauch described himself as a fiscal conservative but shied away from the label ‘moderate,’ and so did Great Falls legislator and Senate Majority Leader Steve Fitzpatrick in describing Hinebauch. But others who work closely with him know him as a centrist looking to get things done.”
“Grulkowski was a leader in the anti-Big Sky National Heritage Area movement, revolving around a conspiracy the federal government was targeting private property in the county, debunked in the New York Times in 2021.”
“In this June’s Republican primary, voters in Cascade County will choose whether to go with the middle-of-the-road conservative or a far-right conspiracist.”
Read the full article here.
Grulkowski has the advantage of far-right base support which provides her with volunteers, funding and energy. She jumped out of the campaign gates already having signs out all over the county. So far, Hinebauch is ahead in fundraising, reporting $12,085.70 for the reporting period ending March 15. Grulkowski has raised $7,125.00.
Hinebauch stands to benefit from centrist Republicans who are tired of the drama Grulkowski has brought to county government. There are also potential Democratic crossover votes in this election. The race for the Eastern District Congressional seat is the only Democratic primary race. And the truth is that a Democrat is highly unlikely to carry the general election in the Eastern District, no matter who wins. At the same time there are numerous contested Republican primaries, which are bound to attract interest across the ballot.