In the last couple of weeks, city commissioners Rick Tryon and Joe McKenney have come out in strong defense of allowing local governments to control management of their various functions. But they kept on their blindfolds and didn’t name which political party is stifling local governments.  Too bad both of them ignore the fact that the vast majority of the laws on the books which are strangling local governments came from conservative Republicans in the legislature. All of this, done in the name of reducing regulations and taxes, leaves cities, counties and school districts struggling.

McKenney Is Upset He Didn’t Get The Memo

McKenney bent over backwards to put a conservative polish in his blog post. Lamenting the anti-local government bills in this legislature, he wrote, “Last time I checked, conservatism was about keeping the government small and decisions local. Since when did  ‘Big Government Knows Best’  become a conservative slogan? Did I miss the memo?” 

McKenney didn’t miss the memo.  Republican hostility to local governments hasn’t changed much over the years. Republicans in the legislature were pretty much the same during McKenney’s four terms in the Montana House of Representatives. Maybe he wasn’t paying attention. Or maybe his service on the city commission changed his opinion?

Tryon Piles On. . .But Never Mentions It’s The Republicans

Then there is Rick Tryon’s blog post on the same topic. Tryon’s ire is directed at Great Falls Republican Senator Jeremy Trebas’ SB 266, which takes certain planning decisions away from local governments. In his usual bombastic style, Tryon writes, “Hey, Great Falls, do you want Big Brother Helena to control how citizens in Great Falls choose to budget, zone our community, and manage our resources? I say, ‘Hell no!’”  

In a report on legislative property tax bills, The Montana Free Press quoted Tryon saying, “I directly blame the Montana legislature for the property tax problem. And it’s strangling local government.”  Tryon’s only half right.  Governor Gianforte’s inaction in the face of inflationary property values in Montana, and then blaming local governments, is also a driver in the current property tax mess.

The Montana Free Press story went on to explain that HB 20 is one bill that seems to have “legs.”  Great Falls area legislators supporting this bill are Buttrey, Fitzpatrick, Miner, Nikolakakos   (George and Melissa), Tilleman, Gist and McKamey. These are all Republicans. The lone “no” vote so far in the process is Democrat Jane Weber.

It’s good to know Tryon and McKenney support local government authority and autonomy. But their effort to put that in the context of “conservative values” rings hollow. Truth is Republicans love playing “reduce regulation and cut taxes” politics. It’s great for getting elected, but not so good for actually managing city government. This is what you get when your rhetoric outpaces common sense.