Mayor Cory Reeves recently asked the city’s IT Department to block emails with Canadian addresses. City commissioners and the mayor have been getting emails from Canadians letting them know how they feel about Trump’s attacks on Canada. Reeves’ response is extreme for an elected official who talks about promoting the Great Falls economy and fostering good relationships with our neighbors.  Tryon, as usual, is just insulting. The city manager informed the mayor that the emails could not be blocked.

Here’s one of those Canadian emails.

“Please be advised that due to your country’s threat against my nation…Canada, we have cancelled plans to visit the U.S. the visit would have taken us into Montana where we would normally spend a couple of nights, purchased groceries and gasoline for our large motorhome. We have always enjoyed our many visit is [sic] to Montana and enjoyed our ability to shop and enjoy your state. I know many Canadians are also cancelling plans to visit the USA. I know this will hurt many businesses and people I.. [sic] Your country, but until democracy is restored to your country, we will not be visiting.

I wil [sic] also say it is not easy to see your once great nation unravel into lunacy.

Tryon’s Response To One Canadian

Of course Rick Tryon has to weigh in (on everything). He wrote this to his fellow commissioners:

Canadians (allegedly) insulting and griping about Donald Trump and America to the Great Falls city commission is the most idiotic and nakedly political bunch of nonsense I’ve ever seen. And I’ve seen a lot of nonsense.

Here was my reply to the first email in their little astroturf political campaign of emails to our commission, in which the lady said she wasn’t coming here but rather going to Japan on vacation. I meant my reply to go to the commission but apparently only went to XXXXXX.

And here’s what Tryon wrote to the “alleged Canadian:”

“No one on the Great Falls City Commission or in Great Falls made any  ‘threats’  against you or our “‘neighbors and friends.’  So why are you so angry at this community? I really don’t understand. 

The Great Falls City Commission is the wrong entity to vent your anger at. We have always welcomed our Canadian friends to our community with open arms and will continue to do so. 

FYI, I was insulted by your nasty email and I don’t respond well to unwarranted boycott threats to my community. I suggest you take your ranting political vendetta somewhere other than my email box.

Have fun in Japan.


That’s the last I’ll be responding to this bs.”

This Is a Big Economic Deal For Great Falls

Here’s a little information about the economic impact of “alleged Canadians” on our economy.

A recent study by Lending Tree found that over 94% of Montana’s imports come from Canada, Mexico, and China. (The top three targets of Trump’s inflationary trade war)

Montana exports $869 million in goods to Canada annually, and Montana exports $254 million

in services to Canada. (An ironic aside: Senator Tim Sheehy’s company Bridger Aero’s “Super Scooper” aircraft are built in Canada).  This link takes you to a breakdown in types of goods and services.  Be warned, the source is Canadian.

Visit Great Falls Executive Director, Rebeccca Engum, estimates that 20% of total spending in Great Falls comes from Canadians.  Engum also said “In January, our visitation just to the visitor information services of what we provide was 28% Canadian, and in February it was down to about 2%,” It bounced back some so far in March.

Reeves and Tryon Shouldn’t Burn Bridges

Trade policy is complicated and varies by products being discussed. There are certainly those who think Canada has been taking advantage of the U.S.  But the irony is that the current trade agreement which Trump rails against, the USMCA, was negotiated by Trump in his first term.  No matter how all of this turns out, our local officials should at least be trying to maintain a cordial relationship with our Canadian neighbors through this political crisis.  Instead Tryon is thumping his chest and talking tough, and Cory Reeves just wants to duck and cover.