U.S. Senate Candidate Tim Sheehy Caught Telling a Lie
Republican U.S. Senate candidate Tim Sheehy has a bullet in his arm. The Washington Post broke a convoluted and confusing news story about how it got there. The story is convoluted and confusing, because Tim Sheehy has been telling a couple of different stories about how it got there.
Story number 1 according to Tim Sheehy- In 2015 he was in the parking lot at Logan Pass in Glacier Park. While putting things in his car, his Colt .45 pistol slipped and fell to the ground, causing it to discharge and hit him in the arm. He was ticketed by the Park Service and paid a fine. Now Sheehy says this story was a lie.
Story number 2 according to Tim Sheehy- In 2012 while serving in Afghanistan, he was hit by a bullet in the arm. He says that he doesn’t know where it came from. He says that he did not report the wound, as is presumably required by the military, because he did not want to prompt an investigation which could have drug his platoon mates through the mud. Tim Sheehy says this is the real story.
Jackie Brown over at the Western Word Blog here in Great Falls put it this way when calling on Sheehy to withdraw from the Senate Race: “As I said yesterday, Sheehy should do the honorable thing and drop out of the U.S. Senate race this week. These are not the actions one would expect from a Naval Officer and Navy SEAL. These are not the actions Montanans would expect from a U.S. Senator. To say the least, it’s dishonorable.”
We can’t say it any better than conservative lawyer and Never Trumper, George Conway, “Let those among you who have not lied about lying about shooting yourselves in the arm in a national park in order to cover up not faking a combat wound—or something like that, I can’t quite figure it out—cast the first stone.”