House of Galloway Continues Empire Building With $410,000 State Lease

House of Galloway Continues Empire Building With $410,000 State Lease

Most people in Great Falls know that the Department of Justice Driver’s License Services office relocated to the old Interstate Bank building at 1401 Market Place Drive last year. But they probably don’t know that the building being leased by the State is owned by TJBBPHASEP LLC. Never heard of it? Neither had we. Turns out that the “registered agent” for this corporation is Steven Galloway and the address is Steven and Lola Sheldon-Galloway’s.

The building in question used to be a bank but has been vacant for a long time. The only use it has seen recently has been to host the local Republican Pachyderm Club. We assume the Pachyderms didn’t pay for use of the building since the Galloways are leaders in the Club. The new lease sent the Pachyderms packing to a new location and Galloways with a significant increase in income.The terms of the new lease provides a five year term at $6,900 per month or $82,000 per year. It also allows a 2% annual increase. The term of the lease is five years. Don’t run for your calculator. The total gross income from the lease, payable to Galloway’s shell corporation, is $410,000. Information obtained from the Department of Justice shows that they only considered one other location, which actually cost less per foot, but was eliminated for other reasons. That information also indicates that the Department began drafting the Galloway lease before the final numbers came in from the other bidder.

We have written before about Steven Galloway’s habit of introducing legislation which benefits his business interests. We have also examined the property he and Lola Sheldon-Galloway own around Great Falls.

To be clear, we have no reason to accuse the Galloways of breaking any laws (we don’t have enough information for that). But being in the legislature sure doesn’t hurt when you are in a competitive bidding process for doing business with the State.

It is common for some legislators to introduce bills that help their bottom line. See our article on Senator Jeremy Trebas
But it raises a question. Are they there to represent us or their own pocket books?

Thank You to Jeni Dodd!

Thank You to Jeni Dodd!

Jeni Dodd, our favorite cosplay patriot, also seems to be one of our most devoted readers. If I make a typo or forget a comma, Jeni is sure to let me know. As What The Funk is a volunteer-based project, it’s great to have a volunteer-editor like Jeni to let me know when I mess up. Today, I want to thank Jeni for pointing out an error I made in a previous article, and the error was certainly bigger than a misspelling. I incorrectly identified Beth Cummings as the latest hire at the elections office. My mistake, and my apologies to Beth Cummings.

I should have identified Beth Cummings as one of the lead plaintiffs in a failed lawsuit attacking the library levy. I’ve updated the article to reflect the correction:

To understand important context, we have to back up to last year. The library mill levy was on the ballot. Sandra Merchant’s numerous mistakes resulted in the court appointing an election monitor to ensure the election ran smoothly and lawfully. As we previously reported, “volunteers” working in the elections office during the library mill levy were allegedly distributing anti-library materials while volunteering. 

Well, the library levy passed, despite the misinformation campaign propagated by the far-right. Shortly after its passing, a lawsuit was filed attempting to keep the library from implementing those mills. One of the lead plaintiffs in that lawsuit? Beth Cummings. 

Just this week, a judge threw that lawsuit out. Importantly, the judge explicitly states that it appears the plaintiffs (ie Cummings) had no actual legal dispute, were aware of such, and were simply angry about the results.

Read The Electric article here:

The articles states,

In her order, issued Feb. 27, Perry dismissed the case, writing, ‘although their  filings are detailed and generally well organized, every one of their  legal arguments is wrong. They are consistently mistaken about which  sections of law actually apply to the instant matter, misread and  misapply controlling precedent, and generally find fault where no fault  actually exists or any error was clearly harmless. It is difficult to  read their filings and come away with any impression other than that  this action is a thinly veiled attempt to undo an election result they  dislike rather than a truly justified complaint about a mishandled or  otherwise legally problematic election.”

Huge thank you to Jeni for bringing this mistake to my attention. 

As to Jeni’s other arguments in her piece, we anticipated E City Beat’s lame defense of their story about the library levy campaign. In fact, we addressed it in our own article. As to Jeni’s other assertions about the levy, these claims were already addressed in court, as mentioned above.

We Want You!

We Want You!

“Ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country,”  John F Kennedy, Inaugural Address

Did you know there are only two elected officials in Cascade County who are not Republicans?  All of our legislative seats are Republican, all of the County Commissioners are Republican.  The Sheriff is Republican, The Clerk and Recorder is Republican, The Treasurer is Republican, 

But these Republicans are not your Grandfather’s Republicans.  They are Trump’s MAGA Republicans who are seeking to impose their narrow views on the rest of us.  They want to tell us what we can read.  They seek to limit women’s access to abortion and other reproductive health care services.  They are rolling back the civil rights gains of the 1950’and 1960’s. They are attacking LGBTQI people and opposing efforts to address climate change.  They are even trying to rewrite history to reflect their narrow views.

Now is the time we can do something about it. And no, we are not talking about getting out to vote.  We are talking about putting your name on the bottom line and filing to run for office.  There are numerous legislative seats and one county commission seat open in the next election cycle in Cascade County.  All of them are held by Republicans and most of those incumbents are filing to run for office again. 

The deadline for filing for office is March 11.  We want to get as many reasonable people as possible to run for office.  Doesn’t matter if you file as a Democrat, Republican, Libertarian or Independent.  We just need normal people who are not promoting the extreme agenda of the far right.

So here’s how to do it.  Just click on this link to the Secretary of State’s Office and follow the instructions. 

If you want a little help, these folks can help you.

Cascade County Democrats, Helena Lovick, Chair 

[email protected]

Cascade County Republicans, Eric Hinebauch, Chair

Cascade County Libertarians, Tony Rosales, Chair,

You don’t have to live in the district you run in and running a campaign isn’t as difficult as you might think.  The truth is you might not win but you can make a difference by letting these incumbent Republicans know their views don’t represent all of us.  And your efforts in this campaign cycle make it easier to elect reasonable people in the future.







It’s been a rough month for Matt Rosendale. Mere days after announcing his Senate run, Rosendale withdrew from the race. Rosendale’s cringey statement basically read “Daddy Trump isn’t endorsing me, so I’m quitting. BUT I WOULD DEFINITELY HAVE WON!” Sure, Matt. Sure.  As soon as the announcement dropped, so did the gossip.

Former Senator Heidi Heitkamp claimed that Rosendale dropped out of the race because he has impregnated a staffer. The staffer is said to be 20 years old. Although its unclear if soulless monsters can age, Rosendale is reported to be 63. Denying the claims,  Rosendale’s camp is now threatening Heitkamp with a lawsuit. 

Read the Poltico report here:

Call To Action! Support GF Public Library

Call To Action! Support GF Public Library

As we previously reported, Commissioner Rick Tryon has been relentlessly attacking the library.  Read about those attacks here:

Funding our library benefits the entire community.  Let’s help protect our library and its vital services by doing one or more of the following action items:


The city commissioners have decided to begin negotiations regarding the City/Library management agreement.  The library currently receives city funding through 17 voted mills (passed by voters last June) and 7 mills by agreement (through the management agreement started 31 years ago).  Some commissioners feel the 7 mills would be better utilized for safety funding and are seeking to modify the terms of the agreement to reduce city funding for the library.
Should the city require the library to give up the 7 mills, the library will be right back where it started regarding funding. 
Voters spoke up for increased library services.  The library is working hard to implement this plan.  Should the library lose 7 mills, your library and your community will suffer.
2. The members of the public attending the Great Falls Public Library Board of Trustee meetings have become exponentially negative-focused and intimidating to the board trustees (volunteers). While it is absolutely everyone’s right and duty to attend public meetings and express their concerns, the opinions expressed do not accurately represent the general population. Our public library and its trustees NEED OUR SUPPORT!
Please commit to at least one of the following regularly:
1. Attend a GFPL Board Meeting Make comments of support/celebration/feedback OR be a friendly face in the audience.  
2Email the GFPL Trustees:.Email Library Director Susie McIntyre,  [email protected]  with the subject line “FOR THE BOARD”
3. Email the Great Falls City Commission:
4. Encourage your friends and family to attend meetings or email feedback.
5. Attend City Commission meetings and express your desire that they honor the long-standing library funding agreement
Board of Trustee information, meeting times, agendas, minutes and video links:  
Upcoming GFPL Board of Trustee Meetings: 
Tuesday, March 26th, 4:30 pm
Tuesday, April 23rd, 4:30 pm
Tuesday, May 28th, 4:30 pm
Upcoming City Commission Meetings: 
Tuesday, March 5th, 7:00 pm
Tuesday, March 19th, 7:00 pm