by Helena Lovick | Mar 22, 2025 | Elections
Great Falls, Mont.
Recently a couple friends sent me this screenshot of an emailed response from State Senator Jeremy Trebas (R-Great Falls) (see below).

Jeremy’s response to a voter requesting he vote no on HB 258 during the 2025 Montana legislative session.
As slimy and rude as that response was….it sure seemed like something Jeremy would say! But I wanted to make sure What the Funk wasn’t sharing any fake news, so I sent in a public information request to the Legislative Services Division of the Montana Legislature. I asked for a copy of emails Jeremy sent from his legislative email account ([email protected]) with the term “pronouns” in the email body, sent in 2025 (from January 1, 2025 to present 3/20/2025).
And, um, oh it’s real. And it gets worse.
Here is the email that started it all:

Huh, in response to a citizen’s thoughtful and well-laid out reasons to vote against a bill….Jeremy zeroed in on “she/her” in the signature line!
(Makes total sense to an insane bigot I guess.)
In his typical bizarre manner, Jeremy Trebas sent back the reply of “I don’t put much credence in the “science” of people who have to put pronouns in their bio.” Welp, Montanans, if you have pronouns (like 100% of people do), Jeremy does not want to hear from you!
How Jeremy responded to concerns of the public
The screenshot of the pronoun email must have reached several other Montanans around the time I saw it, because a half a dozen people emailed Jeremy Trebas about that exchange. Of course, Jeremy then chose the path of being increasingly rude and dickish. Reciting stupid troll language at people with legitimate concerns about his behavior such as “K bro,” “Move out of your parent’s basement,” “no one I’ve heard from so far is a constituent, only radical leftists who believe boys can be girls,” and on and on.
In response to Jeremy’s disrespectful answer to their email, one person sent back the flabbergasted question, “This is how you communicate with the public?” and Jeremy (obviously lying) replied “No, only you.” HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH. I can’t breathe. Yeah, no, it is not only you my friend. Jeremy is an internet troll who loves to be an asshole to anyone who isn’t in his weird cult of MAGA mixed with Libertarianism. For some representative examples, we’ve previously discussed Jeremy Trebas’s rude internet commentary style here and here.
Based on his own biases, Jeremy also likes to claim that no one criticizing him is a constituent. Jeremy doesn’t understand that people’s email addresses aren’t labeled with a person’s specific legislative district. And even if they aren’t his constituents, Jeremy must not know that his work in the legislature affects ALL Montanans. Sure would be nice if Jeremy would stop being a dick and be respectful when Montanans reach out to him with their concerns.
Below are screenshots of Jeremy doubling down on his bigotry again and again. Wow. Is this a person Montanans want representing them…for ANYTHING?
(In the screenshots, I blocked the identifiers for the citizens who emailed Jeremy, but they are technically public information.)

by Ken Toole | Mar 15, 2025 | Elections, Legislature
Republican Daniel Emrich was elected to the Montana Senate in 2022. He ran a low key campaign, defeating incumbent, centrist Democrat Tom Jacobson by 403 votes. Looking at his campaign contributions, he received significant support from “traditional” Republicans and not the local loopy Freedom Caucus crowd. Contributors to his campaign included Greg Gianforte, Senator Jason Ellsworth (and two of his children for a total of $1,200), Chuck Denowh (lobbyist), and Representative Llew Jones.
“A Good Christian Fellow”
Emrich moved to Montana in 2020. He worked as a car salesman in Tennessee and Colorado before working at Bison Ford in Great Falls. He’s no longer there, and we find no information about where he currently works. The Wonkette blog says Emrich is “a good Christian fellow whose Twitter feed includes posts pushing election denial, accusing Hillary Clinton of supporting “executing human babies,” and asking what crime babies ever committed to deserve a death sentence.
Emrich also said this on Twitter feed in 2021 about the Capitol Insurrection: “Republicans stormed the Capitol building however it is public building and they did have a right to enter and peacefully protest they were denied that right and as a result the protestors got violent police got hurt one died still not sure why and a protestor was shot to death.” (Grammatical errors in the original text)
Emrich Doesn’t Get Science
In his first legislative session, Emrich attracted statewide attention with a bill he introduced to require schools to include only “verifiable facts” in science curriculum. This bill drew only one proponent, a professor, named Patrick Gould asserted that the “theory” of evolution is not supported by facts and is contrary to God and the Holy Bible. Numerous opponents of the bill pointed out the problems in the bill. The bill died in a unanimous vote of the committee. The link below is to a video of the committee hearing.
Old Income Tax Conspiracies
Emrich also introduced a Senate resolution calling for an investigation of the adoption of the income tax in 1913. The introductory “where as” statements of the resolution parrot old debunked conspiracy theories which have been far-right staples for years. The resolution referenced The Law That Never Was, a book by notorious Montana tax protester, racist and vicious anti-semite Red Beckman. Former Republican legislator and current lobbyist for the conservative Montana Taxpayers Association, Bob Story, testified against the bill saying, “I just think it’d be kind of a waste of the legislature’s time to rehash this thing. It’s been studied, it’s been written about, it’s been litigated.” The bill died in committee by a vote of 11 to 1.
13 Bills in 2023. None Pass
Emrich introduced similar bills in the 2023 session. These included eliminating jail sentences for driving without a license (a common practice among the freemen crowd), private school choice, requiring partisan election of judges, expanding the time required for collection of delinquent taxes, providing exemptions for vaccination requirements in schools, general revisions of election laws as promoted by election deniers, and a call for a constitutional amendment defining fertilized human eggs as a “person.” Most of his 13 bills died in their first committee hearing. None made it through the entire process.
2025 Session. More of The Same
In the 2025 legislature, Emrich is carrying bills for others. It is common for administrative agencies and interim legislative committees to request more “experienced” legislators to carry their bills. This session Emrich has requested 36 bills, five of those coming through the Senate Select Committee on Judicial Oversight and Reform. For those unfamiliar with this legislature, this committee is intent on Republicans taking over the judicial branch.
This session Emrich introduced SB 381, which requires selling off and subdividing certain public lands. It died in committee. See our previous blog post
Hey Senator Emrich, Measels Much?
He is also carrying SB 382 and SB 474 which allow children whose guardians choose not to have them vaccinated to attend school. This during a measles outbreak in the southwest which has already claimed at least two lives and is causing numerous measles infections. In addition, he is carrying SB 475 which bans aluminum based vaccines.
Emrich has six bills changing statutes relating to child protective services. No one ever knows the exact motivation for these kinds of bills except the sponsor. But here it is worth noting that there is a controversy regarding a decision to remove a child with suicidal ideation relating to gender identity issues from a family in Valley County. Great Falls’ other Republican Senator, Jeremy Trebas, has been engaged in this case, requesting confidential records from DPHHS.
Emrich Still Going After The Library
Emrich is also carrying two bills which clearly flow from the library mill levy controversy here in Great Falls. SB 396 which dictates where “materials of a sexual nature” can be placed in a library and directs numerous actions relating to library administration. SB 451 limits public libraries to only provide “core functions” listed in the bill and prohibits activity that is not listed in the bill. Both bills were tabled in committee
Next Election, Democrats Best Shot
Emrich is up for election in 2026. Most people in Great Falls are not aware of Emrich, but Republican activists here certainly are. If the last election is any indication, his support from the traditional Republican crowd will dry up, and he will be challenged in the Republican primary. Democrats are well positioned to win the seat regardless who the Republicans run. It’s going to be an interesting election.
by Helena Lovick | Feb 27, 2025 | Elections
This month, several Republican Montana Legislators voted in favor of House Joint Resolution 7 (HJ 7), a resolution congratulating Donald Trump on his 2024 victory. In a disturbing, but not surprising twist, HJ 7 contains numerous clauses emphasizing how in sync and how sycophantic the Montana Republican Party is with Trump fascism. HJ 7 is still winding its way through the Montana legislature after it passed the House. You can read the full resolution here. Yay votes from Great Falls legislators included Ed Buttrey (R, HD-21), Eric Tilleman (R, HD-23), Steve Fitzpatrick (R, HD-24), and Steve Gist (R, HD-25). It’s noteworthy that no Montana Democrats voted for it, and there sure is a reason for that.
Here’s a sampling of the clauses in the resolution that highlight the Montana GOP’s embrace of fascism
“[D]uring his campaign, President Trump faced and triumphed over baseless, politically motivated charges and relentless attacks orchestrated by partisan adversaries.”
Oh you mean the part where he was found guilty of 34 felony charges of falsifying business records in his hush money efforts during his 2016 campaign?
“…the Montana Legislature overwhelmingly acknowledges and wholeheartedly supports President Trump’s unwavering commitment to strengthening the United States of America through sound governance, a robust economy, and the promotion of unity among its citizens.”
Sound governance? Where he fired thousands of Forest Service employees based solely on if they were in a probationary period? Promotion of unity????????? The man that insults private citizens like Taylor Swift, because she endorsed his opponent. That promotion of unity?
“…Montana vigorously supports and encourages President Trump in his relentless efforts to combat the insidious ‘woke’ agenda.”
Oh more unity? Give me a fucking break.
“…the people of Montana and the Montana Legislature urge President Trump to continue his valiant fight against the radical left, specifically targeting individuals and groups such as “The Squad” and Senator Bernie Sanders”.
Don’t speak for me or the people of Montana, you fascists.
“BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Secretary of State transmit a copy of this resolute resolution to the President of the United States Donald J. Trump, to the Vice President of the United States J.D. Vance, and to each esteemed member of the Montana Congressional Delegation. THE DISTRIBUTED COPY MUST INCLUDE A LIST OF FULL FIRST AND LAST NAMES AND TITLES OF ALL OF THE LEGISLATORS WHO COSPONSORED AND VOTED YES ON THIS RESOLUTION.”
Of course, they need to highlight how much they are sucking up to their corrupt leader. These legislators are a joke, and they make a mockery of their role as public servants.
by Ken Toole | Feb 20, 2025 | Elections
I wrote this February 25, 2011, 14 years ago. I wrote it in response to the drubbing democrats took in 2010, Obama’s first mid-term election. Since that time we have had more elections dominated by republican victories. Every time democrats lose we engage in self flagellation and hand wringing about needing a new “message”. Committees form, discussions follow, and fingers point. In the end we settle for the lowest common denominator and messages we think will attract the “moderate middle”. Clearly, that approach has failed us.
Dear Democratic Leaders,
I am Democratic base. Please feed me!!
I’m tired, weak and discouraged. I haven’t been fed in a very long time. Last election I just couldn’t muster the strength to get out to the polls, let alone write checks or volunteer. Please feed me!! I need red meat. I can’t survive on a diet of gun rights, tax cuts and developing natural resources. I don’t get excited about shooting wolves, or selling coal to China, or cutting the business equipment tax. And extending the Bush tax cuts and opposing the Dream Act gave me a stomach ache.
Republicans Don’t Do It This Way
The Republicans feed their base. They never miss a chance to drop a big t-bone on the plate. They stand up and talk about banning abortion, putting a pistol in every pocket and making gay people illegal. They smother the red meat with spices like deregulation, privatization and cutting taxes. I can still watch their base gnawing on the bones. They are so fat and sassy they sometimes bite each other because they are so darned energized. Why can’t you feed me?
I know, I know, you’re feeding me jobs, jobs, jobs. And that’s just fine, I suppose. . . .if you like bland oatmeal all day, every day. Of course we all like jobs but what is behind the problem? Why aren’t you talking about deregulated corporations out-sourcing work, the attack on labor unions and bankers sitting on piles of cash? What you are feeding me is more like day old bread than red meat.
What About Traditional Democratic Message?
I really liked it when you fed me things like helping senior citizens, protecting the environment, and making rich people pay their fair share of taxes. Now, that was really good stuff. It gave me a lot of strength and energy. It was good for my digestion.
A couple of years ago you gave me some really good appetizers. All the talk about reforming health care and addressing climate change really got me salivating for the main course. But when I sat down at the table I ended getting served gruel prepared by big special interest groups. . . .just like I had been getting for years.
Only Yellow Lines And Dead Skunks In The Middle Of The Road
You seem more interested in inviting those other guys to dinner than making sure I have enough to eat. You love using their recipes and serving their wine. Well, I don’t like their food and I don’t like them preparing the menu. In fact, I don’t like having them at our table. It gives me gas.
I know you think I’m peevish and demanding. You think I’m idealistic and don’t understand how to cook a good meal. That’s fine, but you still seem to want me in the kitchen all the time. What am I supposed to do there. . . .the dishes?
Please, Give Us Some Red Meat!
Put a menu in front of me with recipes made from the ingredients we both used to love so much. Put a thick steak on the grill exposing how the super rich are screwing the rest of us and cover it with a special sauce made with traditional Democratic values like standing up for the little guy, investing in education, and controlling big corporations. I can almost smell the sweet aroma now.
So feed me! I want to be there for you. I want to have the strength to help you carry the day. But I just can’t do it without some protein.
Ken Toole
With apologies to my vegetarian friends
by Ken Toole | Jan 12, 2025 | Elections
In their never ending effort to consolidate political power, the Montana Senate leadership flopped in their effort to shuffle the cards for committee assignments by creating a new committee. Nine Republican Senators joined Democrats in opposing rules being proposed by senate leadership. The hang up was leadership’s proposal to create a new “Executive Branch Review Committee”. It’s not exactly clear what the role of the new committee was supposed to be but numerous senators argued that is was a “parking spot” for senators the right-wing leadership of the senate viewed as problematic. The nine Senators are: Sen Loge, Sen McKamey, Sen Kassmier, Sen Temple, Sen Gellespie, Sen Hunter, Sen Vance, Sen Lammers and Sen Ellsworth.
by Ken Toole | Jan 9, 2025 | Elections
Households across Montana recently received a campaign style flyer from Matt Rosendale. The flyer is a slick four-page piece with numerous photos touting Rosendale’s “accomplishments” in public office. It’s typical of politicians running for office. Problem is Rosendale isn’t running for office and, thankfully, the election is over. So what’s with this flyer?
Coy Boy Says He’s Running for Senate, Then He’s Not
After months of playing “will he or won’t he,” Rosendale finally announced he was going to run for the U.S. Senate against Tim Sheehy in the Republican Primary on February 9th of last year. Rosendale was not the choice of the The National Republican Senatorial Committee headed up by Steve Daines. In his announcement, Rosendale took a swipe at Tim Sheehey saying, “The leadership is trying to select, instead of allowing the people of Montana to select, who is going to be their next U.S. senator.”
Six days later, Rosendale withdrew from the U.S. Senate race, saying he didn’t think he could raise enough money to defeat Sheehy. It didn’t help that Donald Trump announced his support for Sheehy. Rosendale must have forgotten that he snubbed Trump by refusing to take his call during a debate on selecting new leadership on the House floor.
Then He’s Not Running For His Seat In Congress . . .Hmmmm
Former senator Heidi Heitkamp said on a podcast that he dropped out of the Senate race, because he impregnated a staffer. “Just to gossip a little bit: There’s a reason why Rosendale backed out of that Senate race — the rumor is he impregnated a 20-year-old staff person,” she said. A Rosendale staffer denied the allegation and threatened to sue. A month later, Rosendale announced that he was also withdrawing from the race for his House seat and retiring at the end of his term. Rosendale said he was withdrawing because of rumors and threats against his family.
He Continues Using His Government Franking Privilege Even As A Lame Duck
So, why is Rosendale now sending a flyer to Montana households? The answer is pretty simple. He didn’t pay for it. The taxpayers did. In tiny print, where a normal campaign disclaimer would be, the flyer is identified as, “Public Document–Official Business, Paid for by official funds authorized by the House of Representatives.” It’s perfectly legal and all members of congress use what is called Franking Privileges to communicate with their constituents. Each representative in congress is allocated approximately $300,000 each year for mailing to constituents.
Reasonable people can disagree with the concept of franking privileges. But it is difficult to imagine any justification for a lame duck congressman like Matt Rosendale spending public dollars to communicate with his constituents. Rosendale’s term ended on January 3rd. We received our mailing from him on January 8th.
Guess He’s Not Much Of A Fiscal Conservative After All
Hubris? Ironic? Hypocritical? Of course, it’s all of those things. Rosendale touts himself as a fiscal conservative holding the line on public spending. He was a member of the Congressional Freedom Caucus which orchestrated removing Republican Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy. He helped form the Montana Freedom Caucus in the Montana Legislature which counts the most loopy, far-right legislators among its members.Goodbye and good riddance to Matt Rosendale. . .until he rises again.