City Commission Changes the Rules for Library Board Appointments

City Commission Changes the Rules for Library Board Appointments

Proponents of censorship lost their fight opposing the library mill levy election, but they are not done trying to control what people can read or see at the library.  The next battle coming will be for library board appointments.  And they have Commissioners Joe McKenney and Rick Tryon in their hip pockets.

When current library board member, Anne Bulger, came before the City Commission for reappointment at its July 18 meeting, Commissioners Tryon and McKenney suddenly objected to the process the city has used for years to fill board appointments without advertising.  In fact, McKenney and Tryon both voted to appoint two positions on the Business Improvement District Board just two weeks before without advertising, and neither one raised any concern about the process.

As a result of their objection, the Commission voted to delay the Library Board appointment until they had a chance to review the appointment process.  On August 2, the Commission amended the appointment process to require advertising and posting of City Board vacancies.

Let’s not kid ourselves about what is going on here.  The opponents of the library mill levy are still licking their wounds from their loss at the ballot box. They are not done trying to censure the library, and you can bet they will have their preferred candidates to fill vacant board positions.  It is not coincidence that this all comes up when a library board member is up for reappointment.  If the commissioners were primarily concerned about the “process,”  they could have, and should have, adopted the changes between board appointments, instead of in the middle of filling a specific and controversial board position.  Tryon’s and McKenney’s motivation is clear. They are pandering to the far right to garner votes in the coming city election.  We’re a little perplexed by the fact that Commissioner Susan Wolff went along with them.

By almost all accounts, Anne Bulger has been a diligent and hard working member of the Library Board. Not much has been said about how she feels about having the process changed after she applied and before the decision was made. It’s a hell of a thing to treat a volunteer board member like this.   But, of course, Tryon and McKenney have other things on their mind.


Note:  Stay tuned for articles about the lawsuit filed by pro-censorship people challenging the library mill levy election.

ANOTHER Republican Police Blotter

ANOTHER Republican Police Blotter

When we wrote our first Republican Police Blotter post we didn’t think it would become a regular thing but. . . .

Belgrade school board trustee, Brian Heck has been arrested in a human trafficking and child exploitation sting organized by law enforcement in Gallatin County.  He has been charged with patronizing a prostitute.  Heck has resigned his  position.  Of course School Board trustee positions are nonpartisan.  But during his campaign, the Belgrade News reported that Heck said, “I will have no tolerance for progressive social agendas being pushed on children in the classroom” and that he was a big “parents’ rights” advocate. He also received a $300 contribution from the local Republican Party during his school board race. He only had one other contributor.  We’re going out on a limb here and saying he is a Republican. Correct us if we are wrong.

In other news, on July 12th Superintendent of Public Instruction Elsie Arntzen pled guilty to causing a rear end collision in Helena Municipal Court.  The accident occurred on June 12.  She was cited for following too close.  Arntzen initially pled not guilty but changed her plea.  Someone must have told her that rear ending another person’s vehicle is almost always the fault of the person in the following car.  She was fined $100.

Speaking of Arntzen’s driving skills, in June of last year she pled no contest to passing a school bus with its stop arm extended.  She said she was unaware she had done it.  The video provided by the bus driver clinched the investigation.  Ironic that, in her official capacity, she oversees the School bus safety program for the state.  

City Commissioners McKenney and Tryon . . .Hypocrites

City Commissioners McKenney and Tryon . . .Hypocrites

The library is once again the target of the right-wing here in Great Falls. This time it’s about filling a vacancy on the library board. At its July 18 meeting, the Great Falls City Commission chose not to fill an open position by reappointing an existing board member, which is the common practice when incumbent city board members wish to be reappointed. Instead, the commission voted (without Mayor Bob Kelly, who was absent) to delay until the appointment process could be “reviewed.” And that is where the hypocrisy comes in.

City delays library board reappointment

Commissioners McKenney and Tryon donned the mantle of transparent government and argued that, since the city appointments are not consistently advertised, the commission should review the process before filling the opening. The city does not advertise all available board openings. It probably should. The problem with McKenney and Tryon is they didn’t mean it. At the July 5th meeting, the commissioners appointed two members to the business improvement district without advertising and without a peep about the appointment process. Hmm what could the difference be?

Of course the difference is politics. Tryon and McKenney should just be honest about that and not use some smoke screen like “transparency” and “good government” to cloak their political agenda. Tryon comes directly out of the tin-foil-hat-conspiracy Republicans here in Great Falls, and McKenney has been pandering to the Pachyderm Club for votes in his bid for mayor. Not to be cynical or anything like that, but it sure appears that the decision to hold up a library board appointment is just one more chapter in the far right attack on our library. Stay tuned for the actual appointment to the library board. No doubt the right wingers will put forth a candidate who is committed to being a thorn in the library’s side. And it looks like they will have McKenney and Tryon in their back pockets.

End Note: The attack on local libraries is occurring nationally and here in Montana. Here are a couple of Montana examples.

Flathead County Library-

Billings Library-

We Want To Hear From You!

We Want To Hear From You!

We want to hear from you!

We have been hearing lots of allegations about the hiring practices at Sandra Merchant’s Clerk and Recorder’s office.  Merchant is hiring individuals with preexisting political connections, specifically the election denial campaign before the last election, and, most recently, family members of Republican elected officials. 

We think there’s a chance that Merchant’s employment practices constitute illegal employment discrimination.  The problem is that the people who applied for the open positions and were not hired very likely do not know the law, or even who the successful applicants may be.  We want to find and talk with folks who applied for these positions and did not get hired.

So, we are asking for your help.  If you know anyone who has applied for work at the Clerk and Recorder’s office since Sandra Merchant was elected, or anyone who was discouraged from applying for a job in that office, please get in touch with us. 

See our previous article on hiring in the Clerk and Recorder’s office.

WTF406 Republican Police Blotter

WTF406 Republican Police Blotter

Maybe we should start a Republican police blotter for Republican leadership. First up is Republican Senate President Jason Ellsworth (R-Hamilton). On May 2, Ellsworth’s girlfriend, Lindsey Murolo, was granted a temporary order of protection by a court in Helena. There will be a formal hearing on July 17. She alleges that Ellsworth abused and threatened her over the course of their six-year relationship. The Montana Free Press Reports:

“In her handwritten attestation, Murolo said that during that incident, Ellsworth went outside to grab his Glock pistol and ‘came in and loaded it, was waving it around then laid his 300 pound self on top of me trying to force me to shoot him. I was crying begging him to leave and my daughter was right above us upstairs in her room. She heard him yelling and was scared.’”

Senate President Jason Ellsworth accused of domestic abuse in request for protective order 

This was not Ellsworth’s first encounter with police. In August of 2021, Ellsworth pleaded guilty to obstruction of justice in Broadwater County following an incident when he was stopped for driving 88 MPH in a construction zone. After being stopped, Ellsworth allegedly tried to say he was exempt from the law, because he was hurrying to a legislative meeting the next day. The legislature was not in session at the time. Ellsworth then threatened the officer that he was going to call Republican Attorney General Austin Knudsen to intervene.

In pleading guilty to obstruction of justice, Ellsworth was fined $350 and given a one year deferred sentence. If you are thinking that’s a pretty light sentence, we feel obligated to point out the Broadwater County Attorney at the time, Cory Swanson, is a long time Republican activist and served as Republican Candidate for Governor Rick Hill’s attorney in the 2012 campaign.

In other police news, Gov. Greg Gianforte appointee and Montana Labor Commissioner Laurie Esau resigned her position on July 9th after being arrested in Missoula on a misdemeanor charge of driving under the influence. She was also charged with obstruction of justice. Esau was stopped after being involved in a hit and run accident. The Montana Free Press reports the arresting officer charged that Esau was uncooperative and exhibited a “blank, dull state, belligerent attitude, heavily slurred speech and significant odor of alcoholic beverage.” Esau was uncooperative, the officer also wrote, failing to follow directions, grasping a fence, and attempting to walk through a gate into her yard, causing the officer to place her in handcuffs.

Montana labor commissioner resigns following DUI arrest

Can’t make this stuff up.

And let’s not forget this:

Supreme Hypocrisy

Supreme Hypocrisy

The Supreme Court of the United States, hijacked by an extreme right-wing majority, continues to attack our long-standing rights and laws. Just last week they overturned affirmative action, limited LGBTQ rights, and struck down Biden’s initial student loan relief plan.

The Court has been plagued by ethical issues, while GOP leaders scheme to steal more Supreme Court seats. But, conservatives say we shouldn’t question the Court’s decisions? Um, no.

Predatory Student Loans

You hear all these stupid arguments to the effect of “if you sign a contract, you have to follow the terms.” As if student loans aren’t predatory as fuck, and they CANNOT BE DISCHARGED IN BANKRUPTCY. That’s right, unlike almost all other business and consumer debt in this country, student loans aren’t typically eligible for discharge in bankruptcy. (You can thank a Republican for that). Let’s get real. Student loans are designed to trap people in a vicious debt cycle for decades if not a lifetime. We are saddling 18-year-olds with near lifetime debt. How is that fair? How is that just?

New York Times columnist, Tressie McMillan Cottom astutely stated on twitter, “Student loan debt cancellation is not righting the borrower’s wrong but admitting the State’s wrong.” Our country has permitted predatory financial practices against students who are simply working towards the American dream. This student loan forgiveness would have righted some of that injustice.

Meanwhile in Montana

On Friday, our dumbass governor tweeted this out after the student loan judgment was handed down:

Ok, cool, cool Mr. Hypocrite. You have a net worth of $205 million, but I’m sure you just work 2000 times harder than the average Montanan.

But we know there are two Americas. One for the ultra-rich like Gianforte and one for the rest of us. For example, when PPP loans came out, it quickly became apparent what it was — a massive wealth transfer to the rich. There was little oversight and up to three-quarters of the $800 billion disbursed of PPP went to business owners not workers.

Meanwhile hypocritical Republicans pretend they are somehow not stealing from working Montanans.

For example, we’ve got a new multi-millionaire in the U.S. Senate race attempting to unseat Senator Jon Tester. Tim Sheehy is the CEO and founder of Bridger Aerospace Group in Belgrade, MT. What does Tim think of PPP loan forgiveness?

Shocked Pikachu face, Bridger Aerospace had a $781,985 loan forgiven!

But we can’t forgive student loans? Give me a break.

Sounds like Biden is looking into alternative ways to get student’s relief. Help is still on the way.