Tryon’s Attempt At Sarcastic Humor Falls Flat
Ken Toole| Sept 23, 2024| E-City Beat✔ Watch
City Commissioner Rick Tryon recently published a piece in E-City Beat ✔ under his name. (Usually they don’t give the author’s names). Since he is a local elected official and his piece takes a shot at anyone who dares to to be “progressive” and have an independent thought about corporate behavior, it deserves some response.
After referring to progressives as “anti-corporate blabbermouths,” he accuses them of being hypocrites if they criticize corporate behavior while using products produced by corporations. So you don’t have to go to his blog, here’s a quote which pretty much sums it up:
“Even right here in Great Falls it’s surprising how many times I hear and read local progressives implying, or just coming right out and saying, that corporations are at the root of all of our problems – even while those same folks continue buying, using, and consuming corporate goods and services 24/7/365.”
Tryon’s High School Humor
This is followed by high-school level cheeky examples of corporate products used by his imagined progressives including Starbucks, Subarus, Paul McCartney albums, Green Energy Corporation, and DreamWorks among others. It’s an attempt at sarcastic humor that falls flat on its face.
If Tryon wants to step into the role of apologist for corporate shenanigans, his constituents might want to ask him how he feels about the effect of Calumet’s repeated property tax appeals on city and local school budgets. Does he agree with Calumet’s assertion that the entire Montana Renewables plant (which produces biofuels for sale) should be classified as “pollution control equipment” and get a greatly reduced tax rate?
He Doesn’t Care About Your Residential Property Tax?
Residential taxpayers might want to ask him what he thinks about the dramatic increase in local residential property taxes while large centrally assessed (corporate) property taxes either went down or remained the same. Is Tryon happy that corporations have been granted the same status as individual citizens under the United States Constitution? How about allowing them to pour money into our political process? And maybe we should ask him who he represents, the citizens of Great Falls or the faceless legal structure we all call corporations.
Both WTF406 and E-City Beat✔ are organized as corporations. There are lots of corporations. Some are good and some bad and everything in between. Tryon’s idea that all progressives are anti-corporate is as stupid as saying all conservatives like crappy country music.
For more discussion of this issue, check out our recent editorial about inflation and profiteering